When you choose a consumer finance loan over a credit card and/or title/payday loan you know what you are getting into. You will be able to budget in your exact monthly payment, you will know exactly how much your interest charges will be, and you ...
[Read more] about Loan versus Credit Card versus Payday Loan
Love Your Future
February: Month of Love & Savings
February is the month of love - a time to celebrate your spouse, significant other, children, and everyone else close to your heart. But beyond flowers and chocolates, what better way to show your love than ...
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Consolidating Credit Cards Can Help You Save
Credit card consolidation can be a great solution simplify payments and start the year with a cleaner slate. The holidays are over, and although filled with joy, they may have brought along some post-Christmas credit card debt. If you’re feeling the ...
[Read more] about Consolidating Credit Cards Can Help You Save
Building Credit and Preparing for Christmas
As the holidays arrive, the excitement of the season often brings extra expenses—from gifts and gatherings to travel and winter essentials. If you’re looking to manage Christmas spending wisely, while also building or re-establishing your credit, LPI ...
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A Season of Gratitude; Celebrating Our Customers!
As the giving season approaches, we want to take a moment to thank the people who matter most—YOU! Since 1973, LPI Loans has been dedicated to providing exceptional lending services to our local communities, and it’s because of our loyal customers ...
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Consumer Finance Loans Explained
Discover how LPI Loans' consumer finance loans work, who they can help, and why our simple approval process is made for those with less-than-perfect credit.
What Are Consumer Finance Loans?
Consumer finance loans are personal loans designed to ...
[Read more] about Consumer Finance Loans Explained