The Kitchen Table Blog

You Better Not Pout…You Better Not Cry

  • December 04, 2017

The Holidays are a stress full time, and they are made even more stressful when your budget it tight. If the balance of your bank account has got you on the verge of tears…you better not cry, and I am here to tell you why! It…

You Are Invited!

  • November 01, 2017

You know that old saying “actions speak louder than words”? Well here at LPI we don’t just say we appreciate our customers, we prove it! LPI Loans will be toasting YOU, our customers, all month-long! The entire month of Nove…

Do’s and Don’ts of Debt

  • October 02, 2017

Debt. The word alone causes most people to shudder, and with good reason. Overwhelming debt is a source of immeasurable misery for many. The crushing weight of debt has the power to hold you back in life, and not just fin…

Medical Bills & Your Credit Report

  • September 01, 2017

The arrival of September is a welcome event for those of you dealing with outstanding healthcare bills. Starting on the 15th of this month, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion are all going to implement a 180-day waiting period…

Call Your Creditor

  • August 01, 2017

Can’t pay your bill? When financial hardship hits or an unexpected expense leaves you short, there are steps you can take to reduce the impact of falling behind. The first thing you should do is contact your lender and discus…

Credit Checks and Inquiries

  • July 03, 2017

A question that we are frequently asked at LPI is, “If I apply for new credit will my credit score drop?”. Like most things associated with a FICO credit score, the answer isn’t exactly black and white. The impact from applyi…

My Ex Was Supposed to Pay this Account, They Didn’t…Now What?

  • June 01, 2017

Joint accounts can create credit problems long after a marriage ends, and although your Ex-spouse was ordered to pay the bill in the divorce decree, they aren’t and your credit is suffering. Now what? The first thing to under…

Summer Fun

  • May 01, 2017

If life was fair, then summer fun would always be free! Imagine trips to the beach and fun at the waterpark…every hour would feel like happy hour! If you are tired of the same old “stay-cation”, then now is the time to call…

Tips to Fix and Raise Your Credit Score

  • April 01, 2017

Want to qualify for the lowest interest rates when applying for auto, mortgage or personal loans? Then you'll need a top-notch credit score. Most lenders today rely heavily on your three-digit credit score to determine what i…

Give Your Wallet a Spring Break!

  • March 01, 2017

If you are having trouble paying for necessities with your take home check, it may be time to give your wallet a break, and evaluate your expenses and spending. Here are three things you can do to cut your spending and budget…

Anytime I need extra cash I can always count on Lloyd’s Plan. They are always here to help out!
Jennifer F. IA